Friday, March 28, 2014

Review for Influenster

Okay, I recently received a free coupon for a family size dinner entered for an all natural,  no antibiotics,  no pesticides or any harmful chemicals lasagnas meal from a company named Annie's Homegrown and I must admit the the packaging itself is very appealing.

The packaging caught my eye because generally when a frozen meal does not have a photo of how it III s supposed to look, I do not bother with them. But, by the name of this company I assumed that I wasn't going to like the packaging but I was wrong. It comes in a box and it is covered with the picture of the meal with bright colors (yellow,green etc.)

Certainly, I am excited to try out this lasagnas because I Love Italian food. But, if it wins my kids over then we truly have a winner. I will post pics when the meal is prepared and plated one day this weekend.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Beyonce and MIA remix

Well, being the Beyonce fans that we are...please checkout the remix to Flawless that I am all over right now! Pure fire!

@MIAuniverse: #BEYONCE FLAWLESSREMIX #TEAMSWAG #MIA Shared via TweetCaster